Mobile Massage
massage therapy in the comfort of your own home
My mobile massage service offers the ultimate convenience. Whether you’re short on time or simply prefer the luxury of an in-home massage, I’ve got you covered.
I provide all the supplies needed to create a relaxing and therapeutic environment in your own home.
Your massage is always customized to you and your goals, whether you want deep tissue, light relaxation, or something in-between.
I can help you get relief from back, shoulder, and hip pain, headaches, muscular tension, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Optional session add-ons include cupping, aromatherapy, and CBD.

Massage Price List
In home massages are by request only. Please fill out my mobile massage inquiry form to request an appointment.
60 Minute Mobile Massage - $125
90 Minute Mobile Massage - $165
120 Minute Mobile Massage - $205
60 Minute Prenatal Mobile Massage - $125
90 Minute Prenatal Mobile Massage - $165
Add On Services
Cupping - $10
CBD Cream - $25
Aromatherapy - $10